I’m going to make the argument here that the pandemic has fit right in with Trump’s consistent long-term strategy and that it has been extraordinarily useful in furthering his goals. This contradicts the nearly universal belief that the pandemic has been as much of a disaster for him as it has been for the country. To see the value of the pandemic to Trump, we have to recognize that his goals are NOT the goals that the rest of us would have if we were in his shoes. We simply MUST make the effort to understand the pandemic’s value to him. Until we do so, it will remain impossible to understand why he continues to downplay the virus, to discredit the science and scientists, and to demand that all efforts to restrain the virus be lifted. Worse, this lack of understanding is setting us up for his ultimate goals to be realized.
Here’s how the analysis will proceed. First, we’ll look at various effects that the pandemic has had on our society. Second, we’ll look at how Trump’s actions have magnified those effects. Then, we’ll look at how those effects fit in with Trump’s various strategies he’s demonstrated on other topics. Finally, we’ll examine how those strategies have drawn various groups to support him and we'll get a glimpse of why that is likely to continue to impact the United States...whether or not Trump wins this election.
Effects on the United States
A Nation More Divided
The pandemic has been extraordinarily divisive. Who would have thought that people would physically attack each other over disagreements on the use of masks to stop a deadly virus? Yet here we are. People have quite literally been killed over this topic. Similarly, people have reacted with fatal violence when someone accidentally gets too close.
For months, close to half the country didn’t even believe the pandemic was a real thing. They thought the danger was vastly exaggerated by the media in an attempt to hurt Trump politically. The number of disbelievers has since gone down somewhat but some people are still referring to it as a “hoax” or as the “plandemic”. In other countries there are disagreements on how to respond to the pandemic, but far less disagreement on whether or not the pandemic is real. I spoke with someone just two weeks ago who questioned the definition of “pandemic”, suggesting that we have expanded the definition for political purposes. She got this idea from QAnon.
As we all know, arguments about what we should do about the virus (or not do) are also getting people all riled up. The anger is not just between strangers. Family and friends are furious at one another. People have written to advice columnists about setting boundaries or even abandoning relationships altogether because other people aren’t taking the same precautions they are. And on social media - the ultimate shaming forum - people lambast one another’s decisions about just how much social distancing is required and what level of social interaction is acceptable. These are friends. Family. Not enemies. Not people unknown to one another. Not even mere acquaintances. Actual friends. Or maybe by now they are former friends, I don’t know. I do know this topic is extremely divisive. And I know that Trump thinks that’s a good thing (we’ll get to that momentarily).
Increased Racial Bigotry and Violence
Racial prejudice, discrimination, and violence have increased dramatically around the world with the COVID-19 pandemic. This Wikipedia article covers the topic in great detail. The list of incidents in the United States is particularly extensive.
Key Pillars of Western Civilization Damaged
Trust in science and scientists has been eroded.
Here are some of the ways this erosion has occurred:
- A lot of anger towards scientists has been fired up because the forecasting models and recommendations changed as their understanding of the virus changed. Correcting understanding as new information comes in is a feature of science, not a bug. Nevertheless, the early errors were used to cast doubt on the role that science should even play in fighting the pandemic.
- Conspiracy Theory: People think that 5G spreads the virus.
- Conspiracy Theory: Trump's supporters believe that cures touted by Trump are being withheld by scientists en masse to hurt Trump politically.
- Conspiracy Theory: Many people believe that the vaccine is a front for Bill Gates to inject us all with tracking chips. Trump's ex-wife pushed this one.
Trust in the news media has gone down.
Trust in leaders have declined.
The United States is more alienated from its allies.
The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
The Militia Movement Reenergized
Per this article:
‘“Almost four months before the FBI arrested six men for plotting to kidnap Michigan’s governor, the bureau warned local and state law enforcement about a surge in militia extremists seeking to target government officials, particularly those they blamed for pandemic restrictions, according to an intelligence bulletin obtained by Yahoo News.’‘“Militia extremists likely pose an increased threat to state and local law enforcement, government personnel and associated facilities due to a perceived resurgence in recent months of activity surrounding state-level gun control legislation, as well as concerns specific to state and local government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the FBI said in an intelligence bulletin dated June 18 and produced jointly with the National Counterterrorism Center.’
Note that the militias’ anger is directed at state and local governments, not the federal government. This is the opposite of what most militias originally wanted: a restricted federal government and more local control.
Fear, Anger and Adoration
While it is certainly true that Trump has lost a lot of voters that supported him before, it is also true that he has gained some new voters based on his rhetoric about the pandemic, and that he has strengthened the allegiances of earlier supporters who stuck with him. Emotions have a great deal to do with this.
Cure Worse Than the Disease
The pandemic provides a perfect opportunity for blame to be created and widely distributed. The bigger the problem and the more adversely it impacts people, the angrier they get about it. The anger will be directed towards whomever they are convinced deserves the blame.
Let's first note that there are quite a few things that could have been done early on to more effectively respond to the virus. Here are some of them:
- widespread and rapid testing
- contact tracing
- quarantines in hotspots
- production of PPE for healthcare workers and N95 masks for the public
- encouraging the use of masks
- social distancing
- providing financial aid to individuals and businesses
- providing aid to state and local governments
State and local officials only have control over a very few of these and even then, what they are able to do is limited. Not only that, what little they are able to do can be and has been disrupted at the federal level. The blame then gets shifted to state and local officials - mostly Democrats - for the austerities that people have to suffer. It is all about the phrase “the cure is worse than the disease”. This tactic works because there is quite a bit of truth in the statement.
Shutting down the economy to save lives does indeed do other damage, and some of that damage is severe. While it can be argued that dying is worse than becoming homeless, the fact remains that people are much more likely to get upset about the thing that actually happens rather than the thing that was avoided. This is especially true if there is vehement disagreement about whether the thing even can be avoided or should be avoided (and let’s just acknowledge that the disagreement in the U.S. couldn’t be much more vehement). If governors and mayors had let the pandemic run rampant and the numbers of dead and disabled due to Covid were even higher than they are today, more people would be furious about that. As it is, because most people haven’t yet been directly affected by the virus but they have been directly impacted by the mitigation strategies, it is the mitigation strategies they are more likely to be upset about.
When stressed, look for strength
When people are stressed, it's a natural tendency to look to people who can give them some sort of assurance that things will be okay. For those who have enough savings to ride out an extended lock down, the main focus of stress is the virus itself. Those people are more likely to be willing to think that lockdown measures are good. On the other hand, for those who are in severe financial danger from lockdown measures, the financial burden is the main source of stress. Because the financial problem is theoretically not addressable (even though Europe managed to address it much better than we have), there is no better assurance than denial of the pandemic itself. It gives people the feeling that something actually could be done (just going back to normal) which makes them both angry at the people who aren't doing it and appreciative of the people who are trying to do it.
Conspiracy theory fears
Another issue that some people are angry about is that they believe that Democrats will mandate a COVID vaccine. Or they think the vaccine is a front for Bill Gates to implant tracking chips in them. Or both. These conspiracy theories are courtesy of QAnon and they have made some people very afraid and very angry.
Election Disrupted
Many of the ways the pandemic has disrupted the 2020 election are obvious, but the one I think is the most important is not getting the attention it deserves. It is this: the pandemic enabled Trump to completely rewrite the entire narrative around election security. For the first three years of Trump’s presidency, Democrats in Congress pushed for steps to be taken that would ensure our electronic voting infrastructure - which is managed at the state and local level - couldn’t be tampered with. There was constant pushback from Republicans in Congress on this issue.
Then the pandemic hit and Democrats’ concerns around voting turned into concerns about how voting might endanger everyone’s health. That led to the push for expanded mail-in voting. Which, in turn, gave Trump the opportunity to claim that the election would be rigged by mail-in ballot fraud. That led Democrats to defend the security of mail-in voting by insisting that the election as a whole will be secure.
See what happened there? Democrats went from being seriously concerned about election security - and (unsuccessfully) trying to make sure those concerns got addressed - to insisting that our elections are secure. That’s a propaganda coup for Trump.
Here are just a few of the other ways the election has been disrupted:
- Democrats self-limited their early efforts at campaigning and voter-registration to online methods so as not to contribute to the spread of the virus. Trump and Republicans took the opposite approach and viewed people's votes (for them) as more important than some percentage of lives lost so Republicans kept up the rallies and door-to-door campaigning and so on.
- Polling locations / ballot drop boxes are limited to suppress the blue vote. In Texas, there is only one ballot drop box per county. Blue counties tend to be very large, like Harris County with a population of 4.6 million. Most counties are much smaller than that. Many of them have just a few thousand or even just a few hundred residents. And those rural counties tend to be very red. If you want to be outraged, here's the list of Texas counties and the population of each.
- A significant portion of the population has to rely on the U.S. Postal Service to cast their ballot. The delays with the mail will undoubtedly disenfranchise a lot of voters. It may even tip the election.
The Pandemic is Distracting
The pandemic has taken over the news cycle, drastically reducing our ability to pay attention to other very important things that the Trump Administration has been doing. Some of the things that have not received enough attention due to the extreme focus on the pandemic are:
- the firing of 5 inspectors general, including for the intelligence community and for the department of defense
- removed leadership of the National Counterterrorism Center, a group that is supposed to "connect the dots" using information from across intelligence agencies to identify terrorist threats and coordinate response to those
- results of the the Senate Russia Investigation
- the assault on the environment
- lawsuits to cripple Congress
- executive orders to cripple the federal government
- Trump's own corruption in his financial affairs
- foreign affairs - such as the fact that Putin pulled off a soft coup in Russia, rewriting the constitution and ensuring he can stay in power until at least 2036.
- even the fact that Russia put bounties on the heads of American soldiers and Trump couldn’t care less about it received only a tiny amount of news coverage.
The Health of the Nation Has Been Severely Damaged
The pandemic has severely damaged the health of our nation in multiple ways as everyone (who accepts the virus exists) has noticed:
- Over 9 million cases and just under 230,000 deaths so far
- CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people who are symptomatic have some symptoms that linger - some of whom appear to have long-term disability
- hospitals in hotspots are overwhelmed
- depleted the financial reserves of our citizens, many of whom can no longer afford fundamentals such as housing and food
- depleted the financial reserves of local and state governments
Trump's Actions Around the Pandemic
- said it will go away on its own
- promised 27 million tests by end of March (there were 1 million delivered)
- said/still says it's almost gone
- insists masks don’t work
- said kids don’t get sick
- gave himself credit for how wonderful the U.S. is doing (although we have been doing terribly all along)
- insulted scientists and insisted they were wrong
- suggested light and bleach could be used as treatments
- called it the “China Virus” and “Kung Flu”
- mocked people who wore masks
- demanded efforts to restrain virus be lifted
- tweeted "liberate Michigan"
- blamed Democrats for the fact that people got sick and so many have already died
- claimed efforts to restrain the virus are attempts by Democrats to create a fascist state
- claimed efforts to address financial impacts are attempts by Democrats to create a socialist state
- gave implicit support to QAnon (which espouses numerous conspiracy theories related to the pandemic, among other topics)
- when asked, Trump refused to condemn QAnon
- Trump's immediate family members have retweeted QAnon
- Republican allies in congress have retweeted Qanon
- Trump's ex-wife pushed the micro-chip tracking theory on the vaccines
- Trump himself has retweeted QAnon conspiracies
- rallies without masks
- publicity stunt when he ripped off his mask after returning from Walter Reed
- no social distancing
- put those around him at risk (including military leaders who then had to quarantine)
- closed the border with China but exempted U.S. citizens, green card holders, and some other groups - all who would have been just as likely to be infected. Those who came through were neither tested nor quarantined. They were free to spread the virus.
- publicly announced he was closing the border with Europe without bothering to tell European leaders first
- PPP was given to companies associated with him and his administration
- administration gave Wall Street a heads up that there would be a problem
- demanded praise from governors in exchange for federal assistance
- demanded that the FDA approve treatments that the general scientific community was skeptical of
- made states scramble for PPE
- swooped in and outbid them for said PPE
- withdrawing U.S. from World Health Organization
- continues to push lawsuits to destroy the Affordable Care Act
- and to encourage even more adoration, he promoted a commemorative coin sold in the White House Gift Shop: "Trump defeats COVID-19"
How This Fits With Trump's General Strategy
- Evangelicals who believe Trump will usher in the End Times and see that as a good thing
- Accelerationists who believe reelecting Trump will accelerate economic collapse in order "wake people up"
- Those who believe there is a cabal of powerful people that have all conspired together for thousands of years in order to run the world
- People who believe Democrats are Satan-worshippers running a pedophile ring
- White supremacists and antisemitists
- People who emotionally align themselves with the Confederate side of the U.S. Civil War.
- People who see the world as unfair and have been convinced that Trump has been treated unfairly - just like they have
- People who like a few of his policies: criminal justice reform is an example...never mind the fact that he still thinks the Central Park Five are guilty
- People who believe in locking up political opponents simply because they are political opponents
- People who are anti-immigration
- People who think that the pandemic is a manufactured crisis to implant tracking chips into people
- People who are pro oil and gas industry
- People who are pro law & order, which may include any or all of the following:
- against social unrest, even when it occurs as a response to extreme injustice
- for an authoritarian, hierarchy-based societal structure
- those fearful that they personally might become a victim of crime
- Already wealthy people who are financially doing even better with the pandemic
- Poor people who are worse off due to the pandemic and believe Democrats are at fault for attempting to slow the spread of the virus
- Science deniers, including some or all of the following (and more):
- disbelieve global warming
- distrust mainstream medicine entirely
- believe the world is flat
- believe that lizard-people are ruling the world
- believe that chemtrails are actually harmful chemical/biological agents sprayed in the sky for nefarious purposes
- And, of course, conservatives who want to remake the courts to advance conservative goals (goals which themselves are an odd mix but were united long before Trump):
- pro-Christian religion
- anti-abortion
- anti-LGBTQ rights
- believe that women's primary role should be in the home creating an environment where family values reign
- for creationism being taught in schools
- against science where it conflicts with creationism
- for universal celebration of Christmas
- for states' rights
- for corporation rights
- against socialism
- for allowing the rich to acquire and keep enormous amounts of wealth, even when that wealth is acquired in a way that harms society as a whole
- against government caring for the wellness of those who are disadvantaged (anti welfare, anti universal healthcare)
- pro gun rights / anti any-limitations-whatsoever on guns
Divisiveness as a strategy
Trump has used the "divide and conquer" strategy throughout his short (but much too long) political career. In the 2016 campaign, he was so divisive to the GOP that a lot of Democrats were cheering about the impending demise of the Republican Party. It didn't quite work out that way.
More recently, Trump used this strategy with the BLM protests. He sent federal troops into Portland and other Democrat-led cities despite pleas from the mayors of those cities and the governors of those states to stand down because increased police presence would only increase tensions. This is part of his efforts to divide the Democratic Party, pitting moderates against progressives (who he falsely claims are for the looting). He's referred to this division in the Democratic Party as "the Democratic Party civil war".
Racial bigotry as a strategy
Destruction of key pillars of the Western World as a strategy
Distraction as a strategy.
Reenergizing the militia as a strategy
Fear, anger, and adoration as a strategy
Disrupting the election as a strategy
Damaging the health of the nation as a strategy
- his non-response to Khashoggi’s murder
- his non-response to Russia poisoning political enemies both at home and abroad
- his non-response to Russia putting bounties on the heads of U.S. soldiers
- his calls to reinstate the use of torture
The End Goal
Destroy the Foundation of the Western World
- Religious zealots who want to usher in the End Times
- The "evil cabal" conspiracy theorists
- Neo-Nazi fascists
- Putin
- Other strong-arm leaders around the world
- Adherents of accelerationism
- People who distrust science (like anti-vaxxers)
- Wealthy people who want to tip the balance of power even more in their favor
- Strongly devout Christians who believe that science is a threat to creationism and that the Bible should dictate our morals and our laws
Still More Groups Needed
- Moderate Republican leaders who don't want to lose their seats
- Republicans who want to rewrite the Constitution to align with their world view
- People who are wealthy or upper middle class who want their financial fortunes to keep rising
- Conservatives who have always voted Republican and can't stand the idea of not doing so
- People who believe Trump's claims that he's been treated unfairly
- People who are afraid of socialism
- People who think Democrats are to blame for the damage done fo society by the pandemic
- People who believe Trump is "draining the swamp"
- People who feel supported in their beliefs in other bizarre conspiracy theories that are lumped in with the QAnon ones that Trump and team tout
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